Tuesday, June 26, 2018

  • Have you ever wanted to know how all of the dinosaurs became extinct and got killed read on to find out more.The mosasaurus died at least 20 million years ago and was the last living marine reptile.

  • Mosasaurus ate other marine reptiles such as turtles and fish that is why a lot of animals like turtles are getting close to being extinct. Meat eating dinosaurs are known as theropods which means beast footed. Dinosaur skulls had large holes or windows that made there skulls lighter some of the largest skulls were long as a car.

  • Some of the biggest plant eaters had to eat as much as a ton of food a day.the dinosaur with the longest name is micropachycephalosaurus.known as small thick headed lizard.Explorer roy chapman andrews found the first dinosaur nest known to science in 1923 in the Gobi desert of mongolia.

  • Before he found the nest scientist were unsure how dinosaur babies were born.snakes and lizards shed their skin.Researchers believe that dinosaurs may have done the same.Tyrannosaurus rex ate up to about 22 tons of meat a year it is a lot of meat even a blue whale couldn’t eat that much i think.

  • Dinosaurs often swallowed large rocks.these rocks stayed in the stomach and helped them grind up food.Dinosaur that lived near water often left the beat fossils.The pentaceratops had the biggest skull at 10 feet [3]m long. I wonder how big their feet where when they were tiny!
  • The fastest dinosaur was the ornithomimus it could run up to 43 half no one will ever know why stegosaurus have plates on its back because stegosaurus are dead but if you are lucky you can see stegosaurus up in heaven YAY!!!!

  •  Dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago that is a long time ago i wonder if i will see dinosaurs in heaven the dinosaurs are scary and like normal reptiles dinosaurs were cold blooded but some of them are warm blooded warm blooded dinosaurs are most likely to be warm blooded when they grow up but proberley not a kid dinosaur. `

  • Dinosaurs have teeth as sharp as a knife they are dangerous they could chop you up as fast as a blayder but no one knows the how dinosaurs actually died.dun dun dun.